

What Is an mCPR and Do They Work?

The latest CDC data on key health indicators across the US rank heart disease and unintentional injuries as the leading causes of death in Florida. Both situations can lead to sudden cardiac arrest, where immediate use of CPR can help save a life. But not many people know or feel capable of doing CPR. And…

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Understanding the AED Defibrillation Process

Understanding the AED Defibrillation Process is important to be as prepared as possible. Theoretically, defibrillation is quite simple – delivering electrical shocks to the heart to restore the normal heart rhythm. However, in practice, the defibrillation process isn’t as easy as it sounds. You must follow multiple rules and protocols to administer successful and life-saving…

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Can You Be Sued for Performing CPR?

When considering getting your CPR certification you may be wondering, can you be sued for performing CPR? Imagine you are at the scene of a car crash or another unfortunate accident. You are a bystander spotting a victim in need of immediate assistance. You want to help but don’t have particular medical knowledge or a…

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